Reception – Term 6, Week 3


  • This week we will be making minibeast hotels, please bring in any plastic bottles/cartons/cardboard boxes we could use to construct the hotel. 
  • If your child finishes one side of their bookmark, meaning they are due a certificate, please let your child’s class teacher know. We do not check them ourselves, we rely on you telling us – thank you!
  • Monday Mile – Now that the weather is getting warmer, field is not as damp, therefore the children no longer need to wear their wellies to school on a Monday for our Monday Mile. 
  • Every child needs to bring their book, book bag and reading record into school everyday. 
  • Please do not allow your child to play with the resources that have been set up on the patio before school (including the mountain and the bikes/scooters). Please pass this on to any adults who bring your child to school.
  • Phonics and letter formation document (click here
  • Please remember to read the phonetically decodable reading book with your child everyday.


The children have loved exploring and using the water outside this week. They were exploring capacity in the water tray.

We have also been lucky enough to have a ‘discovery box’ delivered from the Avon and Somerset Fire Service. The children enjoyed listening to a story about firefighters and using the resources to role play.

In PE this week, the children have been practicing the sports day activities ready for the big event on Thursday 23rd at 1:30pm – we hope to see you there!

This week, we had a Jubilee week. The children’s have loved singing songs about the Queen, making crowns, bunting and flags. On Friday, we enjoyed a whole school (and Year 3 from HJS) picnic where we celebrated the learning this week.

Evidence Me – Observation request

When you are out and about or in your garden, ask your child to look for minibeasts. Please send us any photos of minibeasts your child spots!

Please click here to view the Evidence Me parents guide.

Thrapston Primary School - Y1 Home Learning 8.6.20 Minibeasts.

Week 3 Learning

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This week in our topic of “Changing Me”, we will be thinking about which activities and foods help keep our bodies healthy.

Communication and Language

This week, we will continue to read the Mini Beasties poems. This week, the children will be telling and acting out Helicopter Stories.

Mini Beasties: Poems Selected By Michael Rosen (Picture Puffin S.) : Rosen,  Michael, Baker, Alan: Books

Word of the week: collaborate

Physical Development

It is Sports Day on Thursday afternoon. We will be supporting teammates and trying our best as we compete in races like the sack race, javelin, obstacle and egg and spoon.


Please continue to use the phonics and common exception word grid with your child to practice all the phonemes and ‘CEW’ we have learnt so far. We suggest doing this alongside their daily reading. 

Click here to access our GPC (grapheme phoneme correspondence) and common exception word mat. 

This week we will master our Phase 4 learning, learning about adjacent consonants and polysyllabic words.  

Please support your child at home to practise their letter formation. Click here to see the correct letter formation and ‘script’ we use in school to support children to form their letters. This will ensure consistency between home and school.

This week we will read with your child either 1:1 or in a small guided reading session. Please continue to read with your child every day to improve their fluency with a text. Ask your child questions about the characters, what they think might happen next and discuss/ explain what they think is happening in the pictures.

Writing – Writing about which ELLI character we are like for our end of year report e.g. I am like the Curious Cat because I ask lots of questions.


This week, we are going to be learning about sharing and grouping. We will be looking at equal and unequal groups.  Children will check that items are shared equally and that everyone has the same. The children will also be given opportunities to recognise and make equal groups. For example can you put 3 crackers on each plate or plant 2 flowers into each pot. 

Understanding the World

We will be talking about our school community and the friends we have made this year. We will be taking care of our ladybird larvae as they turn into nymphs and talking about the summer season.

Religion and Worldviews

Continuing our question “How should we live our lives?” We will hear the Christian story of Jesus meeting Zaccheus (who was not at all liked as a tax collector for the Romans) and thinking about how it shows Christians they should be kind to others, even if other people don’t like them and they are an ‘outsider’.

Expressive Arts and Design

This week we will be planning and constructing our very own minibeast hotels. 

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